Oral Cancer Screenings

Wyngate Dental of Bethesda

One of the least talked about benefits of seeing your dentist regularly is the oral cancer screenings you receive. Most patients don’t know that each visit to see Dr. Taylor Cole and the Wyngate Dental of Bethesda team includes a screening for oral cancer. Oral cancer can be successfully treated when caught in its earliest stages. When allowed to advance unchecked, it can become increasingly challenging to address and ultimately will become fatal. Maintaining your twice-yearly dental visits helps ensure that it’s caught early.

How Regular Visits Protect You From The Dangers Of Oral Cancer

Oral cancer often goes unnoticed in its earliest stages due to a lack of symptoms that reveal its presence. When its symptoms become noticeable to the sufferer, it’s often too late to treat it successfully. Early detection is your best defense against the dangers of oral cancer and its tragic consequences. This is why Dr. Cole makes checking for signs of oral cancer a standard part of every visit to Wyngate Dental of Bethesda.

Some of the symptoms associated with oral cancer include:

  • Oral sores that won’t heal, even over extended periods
  • Difficulty with swallowing, chewing, or moving the tongue and jaw
  • The formation of white or red patches within the mouth or throat
  • Sore throat or hoarseness that becomes chronic

Any of these signs indicate that it’s time to seek medical advice from a qualified professional. During your oral cancer screening, Dr. Cole will look for indicators of the presence of oral cancer. Any indication that oral cancer may be present will result in an immediate referral to your primary care physician for a follow-up.

There is no surefire way to prevent the formation of oral cancer. However, it’s possible to reduce your risk by avoiding certain activities and behaviors. Excessive alcohol consumption is a known factor, as is using tobacco products such as chew, cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. Another known risk factor is carrying HPV or human papillomavirus. Avoiding these factors will help reduce your risk of oral cancer but will not eliminate it.

Contact Our Office in Bethesda, MD, to Learn About Oral Cancer

If it’s been longer than six months since your last regular visit to Wyngate Dental of Bethesda, it’s time to call us to schedule an appointment. You can reach our team by calling 301-530-8008 or stopping by our office at 5648 Shields Drive, Bethesda, MD. Oral cancer is a deadly condition that can easily be treated when caught early enough. Maintaining your regularly scheduled visits is the best way to ensure the condition is caught in its earliest stage. You’re welcome to stop by our office to receive a tour of the facilities and familiarize yourself with our staff. Preserving your oral health is the core of our practice, so schedule your next visit with our team today!