Cleaning and Hygiene

Wyngate Dental of Bethesda

Consistent dental hygiene and regular professional cleanings are essential to lasting oral health. Wyngate Dental of Bethesda serves the Bethesda, MD, area with ongoing preventative care treatments every day of the year. Preventative care is the cornerstone of effective dental health, allowing Dr. Taylor Cole to catch developing concerns before they become serious. If it’s been over six months since your last dental visit, it’s time to see our team!

Experience Professional Cleaning with Wyngate Dental of Bethesda

To ensure that you maintain lasting oral health, it’s crucial that you maintain a steady schedule of visiting our office twice a year. Dr. Cole will examine the state of your oral cavity during each visit, and a professional cleaning will be performed to address any remaining plaque or tartar. Even the most thorough at-home dental hygiene practice can leave problem areas that don’t receive sufficient attention. Professional cleaning services ensure these areas are treated, preventing gum disease and tooth decay.

When you come in for a standard cleaning and hygiene visit, Dr. Cole and a dental hygienist will check for various concerns. These include:

  • Developing cavities or signs of tooth decay
  • Plaque and tartar deposits in hard-to-reach areas
  • Gingivitis and gum disease indicators
  • Oral cancer indicators
  • Evidence of bone disease or TMJ disorder

You’ll also receive additional instruction on performing at-home dental hygiene to ensure that any identified problem areas are addressed. Dr. Cole believes patient education is vital to ensuring their patients receive the best care and experience lifelong oral health. These visits are also an opportunity to ask questions about oral health concerns and receive advice on oral health care products.

The professional cleaning process is a central part of your regular visits. The process will begin with performing a thorough rinse of your oral cavity. This will be followed by applying a lightly abrasive paste to your dental surfaces. A motorized device will be used to scrub away the plaque and tartar that remains on your teeth. It will polish it to a smooth surface to discourage bacterial growth. Stubborn patches of tartar and plaque will be removed using a special device known as a scaler. Our hygienist will gently scrape this metal hook over the surface of your teeth to remove plaque and tartar from difficult areas. You must avoid using metal tools on your teeth at home, as they can damage them when not in the hands of a professional.

Reach Out To Wyngate Dental of Bethesda For Your Next Visit

If it’s been over six months since you last saw Dr. Cole and our team, or you’re looking for a new dentist, call us at 301-530-8008. We’ll schedule an appointment at our 5648 Shields Drive, Bethesda, MD, to undergo a standard cleaning and exam. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that every visit to our office is pleasant. Feel free to call and arrange to visit our clinic to meet the staff and tour the facility prior to your first treatment!