Single Tooth Implants

Wyngate Dental of Bethesda

Dental implants have become one of the most desired restorations available from dentistry today. For patients who have one or more missing teeth, they provide an effective and long-lasting approach. Single-tooth implants are those designed to replace a single tooth within the patient’s mouth. However, these implants can be built upon if more teeth are lost. They can serve as a foundation for a total arch replacement later in life while providing immediate results for losing a single tooth. Wyngate Dental of Bethesda proudly provides dental implant services for our patients.

Discover Single Tooth Implants In Bethesda, MD,

Single-tooth implants are a restorative dental procedure that starts with implanting a titanium anchor into the patient’s jaw. This anchor is used to support the dental crown that serves as the replacement for your missing tooth. The titanium used to create the anchor screw stimulates the growth of bone around the implant, eventually resulting in a state known as osseointegration. Osseointegration is when bone physically bonds with a material, incorporating it as an integrated part of the body. This, in turn, strengthens the jaw where the implant is set, providing another lasting benefit for the patient.

The treatment process for receiving single-tooth implants involves the following stages:

  • Preparation: During the preparatory stage, imaging will be done of the target area. The resulting films will be used to determine the proper placement of the tooth and will serve as a guide throughout the treatment process.

  • Placement: The placing of the post will require you to undergo oral surgery. During placement, an incision will be made in the gums to reveal the jawbone. A hole will be drilled into the jawbone to permit the placement of the titanium anchor. The gum will then be sealed over the implant and allowed to heal for a period of 3 to six months.

  • Placement: On your return visit, the incision in the gum will be reopened, and the mounting post will be placed. Sometimes, the gum will be closed around the post and allowed to heal again. In other cases, it may be possible for the replacement to be fitted on the post immediately.

Single-tooth implants are a great solution for those who have experienced tooth loss. Those who can benefit from dental implants include those who:

  • Have lost one or more of their teeth
  • Have sufficient bone to support an implant or qualify for a bone graft
  • Have otherwise healthy gum and oral tissues
  • Don’t have any conditions that can impact the healing of bone
  • Cannot wear dentures
  • Are not smokers

Visit Wyngate Dental of Bethesda For Single Tooth Implants

If you’re ready to experience the amazing benefits of single-tooth implants, call our office at 301-530-8008 today. You can also stop in at our office at 5648 Shields Drive, Bethesda, MD, to meet with Dr. Taylor Cole and the rest of the team. We’ll welcome you to our patient family and start working with you to develop a treatment plan to restore your smile and protect it for years.