Periodontal Maintenance

Wyngate Dental of Bethesda

Getting steady checkups involves more than simply getting your teeth cleaned. At Wyngate Dental of Bethesda, we focus on maintaining oral health, from clean and healthy teeth to gums free of disease. If you’ve been experiencing swelling, redness, or irritation in your gums, or they bleed when you brush them, you may have the early stages of gingivitis. At our clinic in Bethesda, MD, we provide comprehensive periodontal services that can help address the onset of gingivitis before it develops into periodontal disease.

Periodontal Services From Wyngate Dental of Bethesda

Periodontal services focus on enhancing or restoring the health of gums impacted by periodontal disease. These treatments help repair pockets of damaged tissues, address infections in gingival tissue, and restore the health of dental tissue beneath the gum line. If you’re living with the consequences of gingivitis or periodontal disease, the following services may provide relief.

  • Scaling and Root Planing: These processes remove plaque and tartar from root surfaces beneath the gum line. By removing existing pockets of infection and smoothing the tooth’s surface, the gums can heal and reattach to the dental surface.

  • Gingivectomy: This treatment focuses specifically on repairing gingival pockets. These are areas where the gum tissue has pulled away from the tooth due to plaque and tartar infection. Eliminating the presence of these agents and repairing the gingival pockets protects both the tooth and jawbone from erosion and decay.

  • Dental Crown Lengthening: If you feel that your smile is too gummy, we can help by reducing the gingival tissue to reveal more enamel. This process helps to even out your gumline and improve the appearance of your smile by presenting more of the dental crown hidden beneath the gumline.  

Another service we provide is periodontal screenings, an essential part of preserving oral health. This exam is focused on revealing exposed roots, receding gums, signs of bruxism (tooth grinding), and other oral health concerns. Dr. Taylor Cole and our team are able to catch gum signs of gum disease early in its development. We check for loose teeth, lumps in the mouth, distribution of plaque, and the color, shape, and texture of gingival tissue. If any of these signs are present, Dr. Cole will discuss potential treatment options that can help eliminate gum disease and restore balanced health to your oral cavity.

Contact Our Office In Bethesda, MD, For Periodontal Care

If you’re ready to take steps to improve your oral health and turn back the tide of gum disease, contact our office today. We’ll bring you in for a full dental exam and cleaning. Following your treatment, we’ll consult with you about our findings and suggest a treatment plan to address oral health concerns like gum disease. You can get started by calling our office at 301-530-8008 to schedule an appointment. You can also stop by our clinic at 5648 Shields Drive, Bethesda, MD, and take a tour of the office and meet the staff. We’re always happy to meet new patients and welcome them to their new home for dental care in Bethesda, MD.